Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

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Would you rather be a rich pirate, or a boring, uneventful adult? In the bildungsroman novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, writing by Mark Twain, Tom becomes a pirate, robber, and much more that no one dares to compare. Though many of Tom’s experiences were unusual and, perhaps, terrifying, one may say that Tom’s life is idyllic for a young boy growing up in America, for he was able to become a pirate, became a hero within minutes, got the girl of his dreams, and found treasure while exploring. How many people have watched Pirates of the Caribbean and wished they were one of the main characters? Well, during Tom’s time, Pirates of the Caribbean was not created, or even thought of, yet he was still able to become the pirate that every boy envied. Essentially, he was Jack Sparrow. Though being a pirate was hard and Tom ultimately came back home, all fo the boys in the town envied Tom and wished they got to be pirates too, which is shown with the narration: “He (Tom)… moved with a dignified swagger as became a pirate who felt that the public eye was on him….Smaller boys than himself flocked at his heels….. Boys of his own size…. were consuming envy” (Twain 124). Furthermore, to prove his and Joe’s …show more content…

One time at school, Becky looked in the teacher’s book that no one was allowed to see and accidentally ripped one of the pages. She was terrified of getting a beat from the schoolmaster, but when the time came, Tom took the blame for her. Though he had already received a beating right before, he cared for Becky and so he took another one. Ultimately, this led Becky to like Tom again after their dispute a few days before, and so because of his bravery, Tom was able to get his girl back. Not only do boys and girls envy Tom, but various adults as well who wish they had found someone by their mid-twenties but failed. Additionally, Tom was also an